CardService International For assistance call Liana at 1-800-769-7695 |
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Contact: |
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Street Address: | City: | County: | State: | Zip Code: |
Street Address (if different than above): | City: | County: | State: | Zip Code: |
Type of Business: | TAX I.D.#: | Business License #: | Age of Business YRS: MONTHS: |
Marketing Method: | Retail: | Mail Order: | Trade Shows: | Service: | Other: |
Business Hours: |
Principal #1
Name: | Ownership %: |
Home Phone: | Social Security #: |
Street Address: | City: | How Long YRS: MONTHS: |
State: | Zip
Code: |
Previous Street Address (if less than 3 years): | City: | How Long YRS: MONTHS: |
State: | Zip Code: |
Name of Realtive (not living with you): | Address: | Phone: |
Principal #2
Name: | Ownership %: |
Home Phone: | Social Security #: |
Street Address: | City: | How Long YRS: MONTHS: |
State: | Zip
Code: |
Previous Street Address (if less than 3 years): | City: | How Long YRS: MONTHS: |
State: | Zip Code: |
Name of Relative (not living with you): | Address: | Phone: |
Bank: | Account #: | Phone: | Contact: |
Trade: | Account #: | Phone: | Contact: |
Trade: | Account #: | Phone: | Contact: |
Average Size Credit Card Sale: | Visa/MasterCard monthly sales estimate: |
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